Our community guidelines help you and us to keep our community together. We’re committed to these guidelines, and we hope that you are too. By using SurgBuddy, you unconditionally agree to comply with these Community Guidelines below, our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and other policies. These Guidelines are subject to any content, such as texts, images, videos that you submit to SurgBuddy and all interactions you have when you are using SurgBuddy features. Violating these boundaries that we set with these guidelines may result in restricted actions, deleted contents, disabled accounts and more. If you see content that you think overstepping our boundaries, or you have any objections, or just for further information, you can always contact us on These Guidelines are subject to any content, such as text, images, video that you submit to SurgBuddy and all interactions you have when you are using SurgBuddy features.


    In Short

Do not create, post, share, duplicate or distribute:

  • Profile, name, profile picture, information, other images and more that do not represent or belong to you.
  • False, misleading, or inauthentic content.

In Long

  • The safety of our members is highly crucial for us. To ensure that, please use your real identity, and share authentic and accurate information. Profiles or contents that impersonate another person, using real name, username, photograph, voice, video and more, brand name, logo, image, or other personal information of somebody else’s are not allowed on SurgBuddy.
  • We try to build an authentic environment here. So be original and creative and do not copy somebody else’s content. We can assure you that we do not judge anybody on this platform because of what they post.
  • Be careful while you’re creating or posting a content. Contents should not be false or misleading. It is not allowed to misguide people on this platform.


In Short

Do not create, post, share, duplicate or distribute:

  • Repetitive or excessive contents, comments, and messages.
  • Content that tricks other users to get interaction, promises users that they’ll make money fast, promotes artificial traffic generation tools or leads users out of the platform.

In Long

  • We are against any kind of spams, deceptive practices, or scams on this platform. Do not post content that is excessively posted, repetitive or untargeted and do not leave large amounts of identical, untargeted, or repetitive comments or unwanted messages. Content that aims to trick people by offering money exchange, giveaways, cash gifts, schemes or pyramid schemes, lead people out of the platform, and repeatedly contacting people for commercial purposes without their consent are also prohibited.
  • Do not post content that engages in, promotes, encourages, facilitates, or admits to the offering, solicitation or trade of fake and misleading user reviews or ratings. Fake engagement is not allowed on SurgBuddy. In addition, external links except from SurgBuddy’s promotions are not allowed on the platform.


In Short

Do not create, post, share, duplicate or distribute:

  • Content that aims to show genitals, close-ups of fully nude buttocks, female nipples and/or fully or partially body exposures.
  • Content that includes hate speech against individuals, specific or protected groups.
  • Content that includes any type of imagery depicting children.
  • Content that includes any type of suicide and/or self-harm.

In Long

  • Since SurgBuddy contains surgery procedures and before/after contents we must limit nudity and sexuality. It is crucial to cover or blur sensitive parts including female nipples, genitals, and close-ups of fully nude buttocks when you want to share your experiences about your procedures. It is also prohibited to exposure fully or partially nude body and/or posting such images on SurgBuddy. Moreover, we control contents that have purposes of sexual gratification or sexual activity itself.
  • Our community is diverse, and we are so happy about it. We believe equality and peace in here and we do not tolerate hate speech. Any kind of attacks on age, caste, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, disability, nationality, race, religion, immigration status and other types of attributes means hate speech and it is strictly prohibited. Any type of content includes praising or glorifying acts of violence, defamation and expression of contempt, disdain, disgust, ignorance, profanity, exclusion or discrimination, dehumanization, categorization, hateful supremacist propaganda or incitement, conspiracy theories, insulting religion or other sacred values and all kinds of harmful cliches are strictly prohibited, and any content containing such statements and expressions will be immediately removed and members violating this policy will be punished. Moreover, accounts of members who insist on violating this policy will be suspended or completely deleted.
  • Minor safety is one of our redlines and we have no tolerance when it comes to children. This platform is designed for anyone over the age of 18 and we expect our community to be sensitive about minors as we do. Posting any content about or involves children including any type of abuse, violence, cyberbullying, and harassment are strictly prohibited on SurgBuddy.
  • Although we support the recovery processes, we control and interfere contents which intend to promote, depict, glorify, instruct, call for a challenge, bully or harass eating disorders, suicides, or self-harms.


In Short

Do not create, post, share, duplicate or distribute:

  • Content that includes harmful or dangerous activities.
  • Content that includes violent or uncensored graphic imageries.
  • Content that includes harassment or/and cyberbullying.

In Long

  • As SurgBuddy, we are strongly against to any type of violence on the platform. Harmful or dangerous content may cause serious risk of physical harm or death. So that, it is forbidden to post content includes harmful or dangerous activities.
  • It may be normal to see some open wounds on SurgBuddy because of the before/after contents, however we do not allow you to post violent or uncensored graphic imageries, mutilated human body or body parts and gory contents about surgery processes on the platform.
  • Harassment or cyberbullying defined as content that targets individuals or protected groups and uploaded with the intent to shame, deceive, insult or assault and it is not allowed on SurgBuddy.


In Short

Do not create, post, share, duplicate or distribute:

  • Content that supports or praises terrorism, organized crime or hate groups.
  • Content that aims to sell or buy firearms, alcohol, and tobacco products, non-medical or pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Content that offers or request sexual services.
  • Content that aims to trade, co-ordinate the trade of, donate, gift, or ask for non-medical drugs as well as content that either admits to personal use or co-ordinates or promotes the use of non-medical drugs.
  • Content that leads members online gambling, lotteries, or online real money games.
  • Content that includes depicting children.
  • Be respectful to personal and intellectual property rights.

In long

  • Content that leads people to regulated or illegal goods such as selling or buying firearms, alcohol, and tobacco products between private individuals, and selling or buying non-medical or pharmaceutical drugs are also not allowed. Offering or requesting sexual services, content that attempts to trade, co-ordinate the trade of, donate, gift or ask for non-medical drugs as well as content that either admits to personal use or co-ordinates or promotes the use of non-medical drugs.
  • Members of our community should also respect to other members. Do not use other’s names, likenesses, or photos to suggest an endorsement of a product, service, or investment without their prior consent. Do not also post or distribute any content about depicting children without the necessary consent from their legal guardian or parent.
  • Do not violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or other property rights. Do not copy or distribute the posts or other content of others without their permission except through the available sharing functionality.
  • Except from these, you should know that you must comply with all applicable laws on SurgBuddy.


In Short

Do not create, post, share, duplicate or distribute:

  • Content intended to market a particular service.
  • Content intended to market a particular product.
  • Content included price, contact information or leading to any social media channel or platform that contains price, contact information etc.

In Long

  • SurgBuddy is a platform that can only be advertised by professional accounts based on a specific fee. If you have a personal account, you cannot share any type of content on SurgBuddy for the purpose of marketing a product and/or service, post contact and price information or similar, and/or direct people to different social media platforms or channels for the purpose of marketing a product or service.
  • If you have a professional account on SurgBuddy, you are free to share specific campaigns of your clinic with your followers. However, global and/or location-based ads require you to take advantage of SurgBuddy advertising packages which are subject to a fee. On campaigns page of your clinic, you cannot give information about price or/and product and contact information, or direct people to other social media platforms or channels.
  • Your personal or professional accounts will be regularly controlled by the SurgBuddy moderator team, and necessary actions will be taken if you violate any of the above.
  • If you have a personal account with the purpose of marketing, you should immediately contact with SurgBuddy Team via to switch your account to professional account, otherwise, your account will be deleted by the team without any early notice.


In Short

Do not create, post, share, duplicate or distribute:

  • Content that aims to be speculative.
  • Content that aims and/or includes medical advice.
  • Content that gives disinformation about COVID-19 or global cases.

In long

  • The internet embodies massive amount of information, and we know that some of them are not obvious or accurate. SurgBuddy tries to include accurate information and protect its community from misinformation. To do this, it is not allowed to post or create fake or speculative contents. Calling people for an action to support or prevent through SurgBuddy is also prohibited.
  • Medical advice can only be given by certified doctors after the appropriate practices such as examinations, analysis’, medical applications, and more are applied. Giving somebody to this kind of advice may cause serious harms to others. Advice, information, or theories about past or present vaccines are also controlled. Since we deeply care about health issues, it is prohibited to post or create contents that include misinformation or medical advice.
  • Since COVID-19 poses a serious risk of egregious harm, we want to make sure that our Community Guidelines protect people from harmful content and new types of abuse related to COVID-19. We expect our community to follow explanations and information are announced only by local health authorities’ (LHA) or the World Health Organization’s (WHO). Content that includes, claims, recommends information or/and misinformation about COVID-19, prevention ways, diagnosis, transmission, vaccines, treatment, social distancing and self-isolation, information about the existence of COVID-19, or discourages people from consulting a medical professional or seeking medical advice are not allowed on the platform.
  • Except from these guidelines, you should know that it is not limited with what are described above. All contents which are reported, detected, or overstepped these boundaries will be examined. If you see any content that violates one of our guidelines, please report it.