Certain types of content with misinformation can cause real-world harm. Promoting harmful remedies or treatments, certain types of technically manipulated content or content interfering with democratic processes are not allowed on SurgBuddy.

While you’re posting content

Do not post content on SurgBuddy if it fits any of the descriptions below.

  • Content that claims harmful substances or treatments can have health benefits.
  • Content that aiming to mislead census participants about the time, place, means or eligibility requirements of the census, or false claims that could materially discourage census participation.
  • Content that has been technically manipulated or doctored in a way that mislead users and may pose a serious risk of egregious harm.
  • Content that may pose a serious risk of egregious harm by falsely claiming that old footage from a pas event is from a current event.
  • Content that includes medical advice.
  • Content that includes information, ideas, or theories about vaccines.
  • Content that includes fake news.
  • Content that includes misinformation, conspiracy theories or ideas about COVID-19.

Please note that these are just some examples, and do not post content if you think it might violate this policy. If you’ve come across contents include one or more of the above, please report it.